Film Society Close to Hersham, Esher Shepperton, Addlestone, West Byfleet & Woking

AGM of the Walton and Weybridge Film Society - 2017

AGENDA for the Annual General Meeting to be held at 8pm on Wednesday 19th April 2017 at the Cecil Hepworth Playhouse, Walton-on-Thames.

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To accept the Minutes of the last AGM

3. To receive the Chairman’s Report on the activities of the past year

4. To receive the Accounts of the Society for the year to 31st May 2016
5. To elect Officers and Committee Members of the Society:
a. Chairman – Ken Wilson
b. Treasurer – Alan Worcester
c. Secretary – Jane Thorp
d. Committee members - Beryl Duckworth, Chris Jones, Kevin Walker

6. To consider any Resolutions of which reasonable Notice has been given.

7. Informally to discuss any other business with the permission of the Chairman.


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at 8pm on Wednesday 19th April 2017 at the Cecil Hepworth Playhouse, Walton-on-Thames.

An apology was received from Kevin Walker.

These were accepted by the meeting as a correct record.

Kenneth Wilson reported that in the Society’s second year at the Playhouse in Walton-on-Thames the reactions to films chosen this year had been good but that membership had fallen from 122 to 95. The reaction slips had not shown any negative reactions to the venue and it was unclear whether this drop was just due to ‘natural wastage’. In the light of the increased costs of the new venue and the hiring of Proscreens, a drive to recruit new members would therefore be vital and he urged all existing members to bring new people in. In the meanwhile an increase in the subscription would be necessary. Kenneth also reported that the programme was arranged for next year and the venue was booked, with the season starting on 13 September 2017. A member commented from the floor that the heating was inadequate on such a cold evening and was assured that a complaint would be made.

Alan Worcester gave an explanation of the coming deficit of nearly £2000 over the season, citing the increased expense incurred by the move to the Playhouse and the use of Proscreens as the main reasons. Last year there was a deficit of £1692 at the end of the season. This was covered by the balance built up in the past when no bills had been sent for some of the films shown. However, payment had always been made promptly recently so this cushioning would not continue. This year’s expected deficit would be reduced by the balance to about £600 but given the reduction in membership a small increase in the subscription would be made next season to ensure adequate funds for the future.

a. Chairman – Ken Wilson
b. Treasurer – Alan Worcester
c. Secretary – Jane Thorp
d. Committee members – Beryl Duckworth, Chris Jones, Kevin Walker

Ken Wilson introduced the existing committee members and mentioned Kevin Walker’s new role of Publicity
Officer and the innovation of showing audience reactions on the screen before films, which was much appreciated by members. He mentioned that Jane Thorp would like to stand down as Minutes Secretary.
The committee was elected en bloc, proposed by Joyce Jones, and seconded by David Finch (anyone help to identify the seconder? I noticed David but it was a woman who was mentioned.)

No other resolutions were submitted for consideration, nor was there discussion of other business.
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